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The first small reactor will be built by 2030

 By 2030, Orlen Synthos Green Energy is to build at least one unit in the BWRX-300 technology, which will be the second facility of this type in the world, after the Canadian Darlington. The company has exclusivity for this technology in Poland.

SMR (Small Modular Reactors) have a capacity of not more than 300 MW. The power of traditional, "large" reactors is usually 600-1500 MW.

“We must invest in innovative technologies that will develop our country. I believe that the first such reactor will be built at the turn of 2028-2029 - said the president of PKN Orlen Daniel Obajtek in the "Gość Wiadomości" program on Polish television.

Lockheed Martin may offer Great Britain Black Hawks produced in Poland

 "We are aware of the changing UK demand for a mid-size multi-role military helicopter. Depending on the technical specifications and operational requirements, our newest Polish-made Black Hawk may be an option," Lockheed Martin Communications Director in Europe, John Neilson, told PAP. "But as long as the UK requirements are not formalized, and details are not available, it is too early to say anything more at this stage," he noted.

PZL Mielec in Poland, owned by Lockheed Martin, is producing the Sikorsky Black Hawk helicopter in the S-70i version.